Times are changing and so are we
Everybody is affected by what’s going on in the world right now and we need to readjust to these challenging times by moving forward and staying close to the running community. We fully understand the runners needs in these times, because we are runners too, so we are in this together. What we all get through now resembles with an ultra marathon where unexpected might happen all the time and to get it done you just need to remain focused and adapt constantly.
The Ultra Race Romania is moving this year to VIRTUAL. We keep the same 250km distance but changing the time limit to 25 days, giving more of you the possibility to cover the original Ultra Race Romania track and see the progress on a real map. Race certificates, personalized 2XU T-shirts (men sizes / women sizes), Finisher Medals, attractive prizes, a lot of fun and friendships along the way is guaranteed. Scroll down for details and jump on the train of the summer adventure!

WHEN: 25 JUL – 18 AUG 2020
LOCATION: Wherever you are located in this world, we bring the adventure to your place.
DISTANCE: 250km. There is no mandatory distance to be run per day. You can cover as much as you like as long as you don’t pause the watch during activities and you stay within the time limit of 25 days. The time of each completed activity adds up at the previous one ending up as the final result when you reach 250km. You can start the activity early in the morning, noon, or late in the evening. We leave this up to you, depending on your schedule and on how much time and effort you can allocate to it. Only one activity can be recorded per day. The winner is the one who covers the whole distance (250km) in the shortest period of time. So, the total time is the sum of all the activities recorded to complete the 250km
CATEGORIES: Individual or Team of 5 members.
AGE: The competitors must be between 18 and 75 to apply.
RESULTS SUBMISSION: after each completed run, you need to upload your proof of activity in the designated form on this website and it will be processed by the next morning due to the different time zones the runners are located in. In the spirit of fair play the activities should be continuous, so do not stop the watch until the activity is completed. Elapsed time will be taken into account, not moving time. The following could be considered as proofs of activity: Garmin Connect / Strava / Movescount / Polar/ Fitbit / Runkeeper / Endomondo, Nike+ or Adidas app screenshots or even photos of your running watches. Whatever apps you are using to record your activity, make sure the date and distance are clearly visible in the screenshots provided.
UPLOAD YOUR RUN INDIVIDUAL UPLOAD YOUR RUN – TEAMSSTANDINGS: based on the data provided by you, we will produce daily standings. The “individual” and “team” categories will be in different rankings, just to have the same degree of comparison. Top 10 both male and female will have an additional check after submitting their runs. We will need their app profiles which was used to record the activities in order to analyze their past couple of months runs.
INTERACTIVITY: each runner can follow the progress on the real Ultra Race Romania track map. More, the organizing team will be at the actual site of the race providing runners each day with photos and live videos from the real track. So, until we’ll all meet and run in the Buzau Mountains in 2021, the virtual edition is going to be a perfect preview.

ENTRY FEE: 60 euros individual / 300 euros team.
REGISTRATION PACKAGE INCLUDES: personalized BIB number, certificate of completion, 2XU technical T-shirt and finisher’s medal. These will be shipped to you after the race with no additional costs.
RULES FOR TEAMS: all five members of the team can run simultaneously or in different days, depending on their schedule. At the end of the activity each member of the team will be responsible for uploading his/her data. The distance each member covers will be added to the total of the team.
The one who does the registration for the team category will need to have the details of each member of the team when registering.

Top 3 winners in male, female and team categories will receive wildcards and important discounts to our main race in 2021: Ultra Race Romania 250km | 6 stages | self-supported
1st male – 100% discount– free entry
2nd male – 50% discount (950€ instead of 1900€)
3rd male – 30% discount (1330€ instead of 1900€)
1st female – 100% discount– free entry
2nd female – 50% discount (950€ instead of 1900€)
3rd female – 30% discount (1330€ instead of 1900€)
PRIZES TEAMS (discounts apply for each team member)
1st place – 50% discount (950€ instead of 1900€)
2nd place – 30% discount (1330€ instead of 1900€)
3nd place – 15% discount (1600€ instead of 1900€)
Prizes are nominal and cannot be transferred to others excepting the case when there are not claimed by the winners. In that case the prizes will be offered to the next ones in the standings.
ADDITIONAL PRIZE OF FREE ENTRY In addition to the prizes for fastest male, female and team, one free entry will be given to one lucky participant in the Ultra Race Romania Virtual challenge who will be chosen at random from all the participants who complete the race, regardless of time taken.
Made to give sense and strength to those who most need it. Autism it is not a disability, nor a life condemnation. But, if we don’t do something it can become. We continue our journey of good for the children with autism being under the care of Autism Voice NGO.
50% of each entry fee will be donated to Autism Voice so that the 400 children diagnosed with autism they care about, can continue the most needed therapy.
Your virtual journey on the Ultra Race Romania track don’t have to be so … virtual. The following shots were taken along the real course of the race and this is a small glimpse of what you can expect to see if you join the 2021 edition. Right now, the virtual one you are about to sign in is just a teaser, a great preview of what comes in 2021