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ultra race romania

250km | 6 Stages | self-supported

5-14 AUGUST 2025

Where legends meet

10 Reasons Why You Should Run a Multistage Race and How to Survive It

A multistage journey is so much more than a single day race. It’s an experience like you’ve never had, in beautiful places, surrounded by amazing people alongside you’ll build memories that will stay with you forever.

Sport and Immunity: getting the balance right

Sport and immunity are very close related and there’s been a lot of debate between scientists whether physical activity could strengthen the immune system or on the contrary, weakens it.

Ultra Race Romania 2023 – Volunteers Rock!

It has been an eventful two weeks and on Sunday I returned from Romania where I was a volunteer in the Ultra Race Romania (URR). 
Originally I was going to be running but …

Ultra Race Romania 2023 – The Race

This is the second of a three part blog. The first was about the wonderful volunteers that make the race happen. This one is my observations of the race as a volunteer supporting the runners.

Ultra Race Romania 2023 – Reflections

This is the last of 3 blogs regarding URR and I think it’s an important read for the athletes who took part, the volunteers and anyone who is considering signing up for this adventure of a lifetime.

ABC of a Swiss ultra runner at Ultra Race Romania

The reality is that Ultra Race Romania is a story to which every person present there writes a sentence.