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ultra race romania

250km | 6 Stages | self-supported

5-14 AUGUST 2025

Where legends meet



Finishing the race doesn’t mean that everybody goes home. We invite you to stay with us two more days after all the pain and suffering  ended to sightseeing the country, diving deep into the local culture, traditions, music and food. We’ll be able to visit some of the most famous Romanian castle, Peles Castle and spend quality time together, as a family while visiting Brasov. Because in the end it’s not about miles, it’s about smiles. It’s about people and lifetime friendships born here, in the land #wherelegendsmeet.

Don’t need to spend a penny more, because it’s all included in the race package!
Check below the schedule for 2025.


The Legends

Be prepared to drop sweat where others dropped blood, explore the raw wilderness of Romania and discover the legends that locals are too afraid to tell.

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Core Values

Our core values is the very essence of who we are, the foundation of delivering an unforgettable experience for competitors all over the world.

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The Track

The competitors have to cover 250km (155 miles) in 6 stages in a beautiful but challenging terrain carrying all they need to survive the whole week.

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Meet The Team

Ultrarunning is a life-changing sport whether you finish every race or just keep trying. The passion we’ve put into this over the years, brought us together in organizing the first multi stage self supported race in Romania. Let’s know each other better!

Andrei Gligor

Ultrarunner & Co-founder

Father, IT engineer, passionate ultra runner and enthusiastic fundraiser. After running 9 multi stage races all over the world in the last 4 years, I say it’s about time to show the worldwide running community what Romania has to offer. Let’s start together an adventure of a lifetime!

Daniel Nica

Ultrarunner & Co-founder

For me, ultra running looks like a life story and sometimes like running a business. You have to fall in order to rise stronger. But these are my true passions that led me embark in the Ultra Race Romania adventure. As an ultra runner and now as organizer, I can’t wait to see everyone’s smile at the finish line.

Edi Hirjoi

Co-founder & Volunteers  Director

Adventurer through the wildness of the mountains, I live the moment either I run or bike. I age as freely through the mountains as I grew up. It’s always been the mountains that kept my spirit free and if I have to go back in time, I would take the same path again

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