Every challenge is an opportunity
Well, friends, you’ve asked for it, now it’s here!
Until we’re going to run free as birds and hit the trails, we need to find ways to keep ourselves fit and motivated, so “why not a virtual multi stage race”?
That’s the kind of race which you complete on your own wherever you are located in the world, following the restrictions each country has put in place and once you get it done, you record the evidence of your time and send it back to us.
The race has 6 stages that have to be completed in 6 consecutive days, between 9 and 14 May 2020 as follows:
9 MAY – STAGE 1 – 10 km
10 MAY – STAGE 2 – 12 km
11 MAY – STAGE 3 – 11 km
12 MAY – STAGE 4 – 20 km
13 MAY – STAGE 5 – 9 km
14 MAY – STAGE 6 – 8 km
The competitors must be between 16 and 75 in order to apply.
After each stage you have to upload the evidence of your run in the special designated form (not on social media messages, or e-mails). Based on the data collected from you, we’ll be producing daily standings and of course the final ones on May 15th. In the spirit of fair play the activities should be continuous and distances must be respected as per schedule above. As proofs, Garmin Connect / Strava screenshots or even photos of your running watches will do.Top 10 both male and female will have an additional check after submitting their runs. We will need their strava / garmin connect profiles to analyze their past couple of months runs, in order to keep the fairness of the event. Their time and average pace at Ultra Race Romania Lockdown should not be faster than their PBs.
The start hour of each stage is to be determined by each and everyone of you, depending on your daily schedule. We leave this up to you in order to create a flexible experience and in the same time to be able to accommodate all the different time zones.
The top 3 winners in male and female categories will receive wildcards and important discounts to our event: Ultra Race Romania 250km | 6 stages | self-supported, this time the real thing, in the raw wilderness of Romania. Due to the uncertainty of traveling nowadays, we leave at the winners to decide if they would like to claim their prizes for the 2020 edition or the 2021 one.
1st male – 2800 euro (free registration)
2nd male – 1400 euro (50% off)
3rd male – 1960 euro (30% off)
1st female – 2800 euro (free registration)
2nd female –1400 euro (50% off)
3rd female – 1960 euro (30% off)
Made to give sense and strength to those who most need it
Autism it is not a disability, nor a life condemnation. But, if we don’t do something it can become. We dedicate the race to the children of Autism Voice NGO, who need to have a loud voice in order to be able, in time, to create their own legendary life. We will make it our responsability to make a change in their lives and give our kilometres a true meaning.
The entry fee for the whole race is 10 euro and we’ll be donating half or the raised amounts to Autism Voice so that the 400 children diagnosed with autism they care about, can continue the most needed therapy.