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ultra race romania

250km | 6 Stages | self-supported

5-14 AUGUST 2025

Where legends meet

One of the glacial lakes in the Carpathian Mountains, The Eagles Lake is known by this name because this is the place where the eagles come in spring time to drink the miraculous water to rejuvenate. Here, the kings of heights with wings spread above this enchanted mirror, teach their chicks to fly. But, this isn’t the only story about this place, also called The Bottomless Lake.

The “Bottomless Lake” name is due to the legend that a shepherd, tired of the life he had, left his flock of sheep, threw the bat in the water of the lake and left. After a year of pilgrimages he finds his bat in the waters of the Danube, hundreds of miles away and consumed by the longing for his sheep and native places, returns home. It is unknown how could the bat be found in the Danube but the storytellers think that this lake has no bottom and it has some mystery ways straight into the Danube.

There are other stories about this lake. It is said that “the people built a road under the lake during World War II to mislead the German army, and the tanks that entered that road were seen again, it just sank and never came back to surface.”

So, keep your eyes on the road and don’t let the past ghosts hunt you and drag you into the depths.