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ultra race romania

250km | 6 Stages | self-supported

5-14 AUGUST 2025

Where legends meet

Heading to Romania is easy by flying from Frankfurt, London or Paris international airports. It’s a 2h:45m average flight and the tickets range between 100-200€

9 AUGCompetitors arriving in Bucharest at the meeting point (in front of the House of the Parliament) at 12:00 PM where they'll be picked up by buses and heading to to our host Hecas Villas, Buzau
9-10 AUGAccommodation is provided at Hecas Villas, Buzau
10 AUGBreakfast included
10:00AM - the registration will take place in the hotel conference room
The competitors will receive their BIB numbers and the road books
The medical check, gear check and all prerace paperwork will be done
Runners must leave their luggage at the hotel and keep only the backpack needed for the race
12:00AM - leaving for the first base camp (snacks will be provided)
18:00 - the briefing
19:00 - dinner is included
11 AUG8:00AM - start of Stage1 (time limit 12h)
12 AUG8:00AM - start of Stage2 (time limit 12h)
13 AUG7:00AM - start of Stage 3 (time limit 13h)
14 AUG6:00AM - start of Stage 4 - long stage (time limit 36h)
15 AUGRest day
16 AUG8:00AM - start of Stage 5 (time limit 12h)
17 AUG7:00AM - start of Stage 6 (time limit 4h) / Food and drinks are available at the finish line
13:00 - heading to Brasov. Accommodation will be provided at Qosmo Hotel, which will become our headquarters for the two days trip following the race.
20:00 - awards ceremony and dinner
18 AUG8:00AM Breakfast
10:00AM - Departure from Brasov to Bran for visiting Dracula's Castle
13:00-14:00 - Arriving at Bran - visiting the castle / free time / returning to Brasov
20:00 - Festive dinner / Stay overnight / Exploring the traditional Romanian cuisine
19 AUG8:00AM Breakfast
10:00AM Heading to Sinaia > Visiting Peles Castle

14:00 Leaving to Bucharest